Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Partners in Crime: Bouquet & Garter Specialists

The thing is, we are strangers to each other. We were like cousins of cousins, and sometimes through that we don’t seem to care each other. Until our rendezvous happened, weddings. 
The first time we met was last 2007. December of that year, the wedding of my cousin, the bride, and her cousin, the groom. I was the groomsman and she was a guest. In that case, a simple Hi was the highest gesture of introduction. Until the moment came in.
At the wedding reception, I have no idea why they were calling me and other male cousins. I thought it was just a game, you win and then you’ll a get a prize. But that’s not it, it’s actually the time they are looking for the one who is going to do the garter. And yes, I thought picking me was not by chance, but choice. And the same thing happened with the bouquet. She was picked, too. 

First encounter with Magui, the start of business. Can you see how happy cousins were? And it was not the end of it. Through the geniuses of Multiply, and soon Facebook, we reconnected. We exchanges messages through Facebook and mobile. But we don’t communicate constantly. We just text whenever there is a family affair involving both sides of our family. 
Until the next wedding. 
2011, this time we were both guests. Whenever we cross paths, we smile. By the time they were, yet again, calling all the single guests. I told myself that, ‘No, I won’t be at the same spot again like last time.’ But the game didn’t agree with me. So I was chosen by chance this time. But for her, I picked by choice, to put up a good show. :)

I know we’ve only done it twice, but who else does that?

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